Happy Fall, where did the summer go? My last email communication was my Spring has Sprung...been a very busy, hot, wet summer.
The bees had a tough season to get through, if it wasn't 35 degrees C we had excess rain, and sometimes both. This made the bees work extra hard keeping the hives cool, and gathering pollen. There were numerous swarms that Dale was called out to retrieve, and lots of bearding of the hives. We were very glad of the pond that was added to the farm which helped the hives keep hydrated.

Our honey production was good, not great, but good. We are just finishing up our last frames for extracting. With our new equipment, this sped up the process from previous years.
What's New?
We have increased our wholesale customer base. We are now selling at The Paneterria (new bakery in Amherstburg), The Farm House Market (Amherstburg), La Vern's SuperMarket (downtown Windsor), The Iron Kettle (Cottam), Dressed By an Olive (Tecumseh) and Lee & Maria's Market (Kingsville). We have also been selling at The Windsor Downtown Market, and The Amherstburg Farmers Market on Saturday's. We are part of The Farm-To-Table and W.E. Heart Local brochures and promotions. This gave us exposure to all of Essex County and shop local avenues. We are proud and honored to be part of this great group of businesses. https://visitwindsoressex.com/places/hawksview-honey/
We are working on a video, with the help of Clear Rock Studio Windsor. John & Tracy Martens have been out to the farm and the hives in full bee suits, videoing with us. We hope to have this video available by November online, along with showings at the Harrow Library.
We also have been talking in Community. The Harrow Rotary Club invited us to speak at their meeting in September, which was great to meet the local members and talk about our business. SHO Art, Spirit and Performances invited us to talk to their Book Club about honeybees and pollination, and have asked us to come back in the spring to do a live talk/presentation in their studio. These opportunities have been great in getting the community involved in the life cycles of the honeybees and to inform them of their importance to our environment.
Upcoming October - December
We will have Honey Butter back starting October 9th, just in time for your Thanksgiving dinner. Check out online to order in advance, or stop by the markets (be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram to find out which one we will be at).
Winter Wraps - Wellington County

Available online and in our retail store. They are double deep in size, that can cover 1 single hive that is 2 deep boxes deep or that have 3 med boxes. These are made from 4 mm corrugated plastic that has 5% U.V. protection and can withstand temperatures as low as -27 degrees C (let's hope we don't get that cold). As a special offer for reading this article, please put in code WRAP10 and get 10% off your purchase at check out online. These will be available for pick up at our location after October 20th. Wellington County Winter Wraps | Hawksview Honey
Proceeds from the sale of these wraps go to the OBA Tech -Transfer Bee Program.
We will also have gift bags and boxes available for sale. They will range in price from $10-$50, but we can also customize and make to order. Contact us directly at hawksviewhoney@yahoo.com
Reusable Beeswax Wraps by Abeego
This is a Canada company located in B.C. and we LOVE their wraps, and from our orders on these, you do too. I am excited to announce that we will have additional options available for Gift Giving this season. (Available Nov 1st).
The Essential - will include 6 small, 3 med, 1 large, 1 giant - these will sell for $65 - Great for those hard to buy people for Christmas, Birthdays, or house warmings.
The Perfect Pair - will include 1 small, 1 med, 1 large, 1 giant - these will sell for $30 - Great for those who have never tried the reusable wraps.
FireStarters - will include 12 strip package of leftover reusable food wraps that are lightweight, water-resistant and burns chemical free - these will sell for $4 pack - Great for those camper and camp fire enthusiast.
What's New in '22?
We are excited to announce that we will be expanding our retail and extraction space. This will increase our productivity in getting honey to you our valued customers, and we will be able to store more inventory for all you beekeepers. We are very excited and can't wait for you to see our new space. More to come on that.
So, that is it for now - so THANK YOU for our continued support and ongoing interest in Hawksview Honey - from The Wright Bee Team
From Left to Right, Keith, Donna, Dale and Kim
